Hundreds of Notaries across the U.S. are packing their bags as they prepare for the National Notary Association's annual Notary Conference (#NNA2014) from June 1 to June 4th. This year Phoenix, Arizona is hosting the gala at the Hyatt Regency. If you're a Notary and a NNA Conference Newbie, we have the following tips for you to consider to help Conference a more rewarding experience.
- Leave your shyness at home. We know not everyone has a Type A personality or has the gift of gab. But in order for you to make the most of the conference experience you must get out of your comfort zone and meet other people. If you're traveling alone, make sure you don't eat alone. If you see a table of with people around it, with at least one vacant chair, walk up with a smile and ask "Is this seat taken"? If it isn't, follow it up with "Well, I hope you won't mind if I join you. My name is [ ] from [State]". Trust me, it really is as easy as that easy.
- Create Must-Do Goals. Write down two "Must-Do's" on an index card or piece of paper. A "Must-Do" is something that is valuable or important to you or to your notary business. It is something or some things that if you don't do it you'll be disappointed. It might be making a connection with a new title company so that you can conduct signings for them in your state. Perhaps you want to pitch a workshop idea to NNA Conference organizers for next year. Or, maybe you're looking for a mentor. Whatever it is write it down on a card or piece of paper and put it with the rest of your important travel documents. When it's time for you to register for workshops or visit vendor tables, pull out your "Must Do's" and select workshops and vendors accordingly. Before going to bed each night, review the Goals again. Hopefully you can cross off at least one by Tuesday. If not, you know that Wednesday morning may be your last opportunity to make the right connections. For you over-achievers, if you want to list more than two goals, have at it. But be careful that you don't spread yourself too thin.
Notaries for Alabama is 1 Year Old. One of the things on my Must Do List is to meet other notary group leaders who can give me advice and insight on matters related to growing membership, hosting local events, and establishing a brand. So, when I register for my workshops on Sunday, I plan on making sure that I'm front-row-and-center for the Keynote Speaker's, Marcus Sheridan, presentation on growing your business and content marketing.
Another workshop that is in line with my own Must-Do Goal would be attending the General Session where the topic will be "Trends in Notary Laws, Rules & Standards". I'm bound to learn something that I can bring back home to my local notary group. This is how one makes strategic, planned decisions to hopefully turn goals into accomplishments.
If you see me in Phoenix, please stop and introduce yourself (if I don't beat you to it). Let me know that you read my blog and if it helped. And ask ME how I'm doing with realizing my Must-Do Goals.
I pray that everyone will have safe travel to and from Phoenix, and that #NNA2014 will prove to be one of the best conferences ever.
If you're reading this blog post and you're an Alabama Notary Public, or would like to learn more about becoming a notary, I'd love to meet you. You can connect with our group by going to our website at; or check us out on Meetup.
Alabama Notary Public
Founder, Notaries for Alabama
2014 Notary of the Year Honoree