Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Just Vote!

I called my 87 year old mother this evening and the first thing she asked was, “Did you vote?”  

Voting for me started long before I turned 18.   I was four years old when my parents took me to the polls and explained what they were doing and why.  It seemed important to them, so it became important to me.

When I moved from California to Upstate New York, my maternal grandmother made me to accompany her to the polls.  I have to admit. I was impressed that “the old lady” walked several blocks to her polling place even when there was snow on the ground.

Auntie, mom’s sister, worked at the polls for years.  Earlier today, I watched as my Newsfeed on Facebook filled up with posts from siblings, cousins and friends with selfies of them returning from the polls with their 'I voted" sticker.  I am surrounded by men and women who take voting seriously.

It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re Republican, Independent, Democrat, Green, or something else (is there anything else?).  I hope you voted your conscious today. If you did, I believe we’ll be better off in the long run.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Notaries are "kind, smart, and important".

Last year at this time a small group of Birmingham Notaries were gearing up for a big celebratory event - National Notary Public Day, on November 7th.

Perhaps you saw us - racing through town to pick up our newly designed tee-shirts.  We may have passed you on Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd as we hurried downtown to the Birmingham Library to decorate.  Or, maybe you were one of the lucky ones who stopped by the Library on November 7th to take advantage of our free notary services.  It was a big deal. Elected Officials stopped by.  Proclamations were read. Speeches were made.  Signatures were notarized.

This year, our notary group, Notaries for Alabama, is gearing up once again to bring attention to the important role notaries play, not only in Birmingham, but all across Alabama.  It's a role that carries a lot of responsibility but rarely gets much recognition.

On Tuesday, November 4th, we will host a "Notary Clinic" for 25-30 small business owners, who are notaries or employ notaries. On Saturday, November 15th, Notaries for Alabama will provide a delicious lunch to the women and children of a local shelter. We want them to know that Alabama Notaries care about them.

Are there Notaries in your office?  If so, stop by their desk or office this week and let them know you appreciate them.  A "thank you" will suffice, but if you really want to make an impression, take a few minutes and ask them how they use their Notary Commission at work.  You just might be surprised by what you learn.

Are you a Notary?  Whether you reside in Alabama, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, New York, or somewhere else, there's a good chance there are events planned for you this week.  Just check with your local notary association, or Secretary of State office.

It isn't a Holiday.  There are no gifts to unwrap or turkey to carve.  But it is an important day that recognizes important men and women, who perform a very important role in our communities.  Tell a Notary that you care.

National Notary Public Day will be recognized across America on Friday, November 7, 2014.  Events will be held beginning today through the end of the month.

*Note:  In the above photo taken 7-November 2013 (from left to right): Michelle Riley, Founder, Notaries for Alabama; The Honorable Jim Bennett, Alabama Secretary of State; Willie Osborne, Notaries for Alabama; Mr. Charles Long, Birmingham Mayor's Office, State Representative Rod Scott (55th District); and Harriette Littleton, Charter Member, Notaries for Alabama. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Daylight Savings - Is There Something Magical About That Extra Hour?

How did you spend your extra hour?

Last night (or early this morning), due to Daylight Savings, many Americans set their clocks back by one hour.  So what did you do with that extra sixty minutes?

Did you party longer Saturday night?  Did you sleep for an extra hour on Sunday morning?

I chose to use my extra hour finishing a project that had been lingering for weeks.  I don't know why it took so long, but it did.  You know what?  There might be something magical about this extra hour we lose in spring and recover in fall.  The editing changes that I'd been struggling to finish over the last six weeks came easily to me this morning.  I knew immediately what to cut and what to add.  There was no agonizing or second guessing on my part. The final document looks so much better now.  I guess I just needed that extra hour to figure it out.

Whatever you did with your extra hour, I hope it was performing an activity that mattered to you.  And yes, sleeping matters!

Enjoy your day - all 25 hours of it!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Got A Complaint? Take A Message!

Last week, I received a call from a Notary wanting to file a formal complaint.  Not against me, or the notary group I founded nearly two years ago, Notaries for Alabama.  Someone who I'll call "Nancy" (not her real name) said she wanted to file a complaint against a fellow notary.  According to Nancy, she needed her signature notarized on one form and a notary wanted $15 to do it.

           Nancy:   "Michelle, isn't the notary fee in Alabama just $5?"

           Me:        "Yes, the fee increased to $5 in January 2012."

           Nancy:   "Well, I want someone to know that this notary is overcharging people."

I couldn't help but smile as I explained to Nancy, who by the way is also a notary,  that my organization is powerless in this situation.  I went on to tell her that it wasn't the first time a notary had overcharged someone.
In 2005, a state representative contacted then Alabama Attorney General, Troy King, and asked for an official Opinion in a matter concerning a notary who charged more than the state allowed.  In short, AG Troy King concluded:

                              "There are no criminal penalties in the [Alabama] Code for a                                notary who charges fees in excess of the statutory limitation".
                                "There are no procedures in the Code of Alabama for filing a                                  complaint against a notary for charging excessive fees".

Here's a link to that entire Opinion.  It can be found on the Alabama Secretary of State website, under the Notary Section.  I should add that the Opinion suggests that a person could take civil action against the notary.

Why the notary charged more than $5.00 is unclear.  Perhaps she included a travel fee.  Traveling, or mobile, notaries can legally charge for this added service, and to my knowledge, Alabama does not set limits on travel fees, although some states do (Maryland, for one).

Nancy didn't say whether or not she paid the $15 or found a different notary, but I'm glad she called. I added her to our mailing list when she said she'd like to become affiliated with our group.

As we near the end of another year, it's nice to know that word is getting out about Notaries for Alabama; and that notaries around the state can call us with their concerns.  Perhaps one day something can be done when a complaint about a notary is filed - assuming the complaint is legitimate.

If you're an Alabama Notary (or would like to become one), and are interested in learning more about Notaries for Alabama, visit our website.  You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.  To learn about our training classes, go to our meeting site at Meetup.